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National Cycling Congress

Thinking Ahead

DRESDEN, 13 and 14 May 2019

Congress programme

(As of 15.04.2019; subject to changes)

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Monday, 13. May 2019
11.00 Start of registration
11.30 – 13.00 Brunch & visit to the exhibition
13.00 – 14.15 Opening plenary session - Info
14.30 – 15.45 Session A - Info and Side-Events - Info
Session A1 Cycle superhighways - acceleration of planning and implementation
How can cycle superhighways be realized faster?
Moderation Maria T. Wagener
Regionalverband Ruhr
Session A2 City logistics – innovations for the last mile
Which role does the cargo bicycle play in tomorrow’s city logistics?
Moderation Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Bogdanski
Technische Hochschule Nürnberg
Session A3 Intermodality - intelligently connected transport
How can bicycle, public transport and private motorized transport be
connected efficiently?
Moderation Tanja Göbler
Region Hannover
Session A4 Clean air - the diesel crisis as an opportunity for transforming
the urban transport system
What can cities do to help the bicycle reach its full potential as an
urban means of transport?
Chair Burkhard Stork
Chair ADFC
Side-Event Start-ups
15.45–16.45 Break & visit to the exhibition
Side-Event Meet the Start-ups
16.45 – 18.00 Session B and Side-Events - Info
Session B1 System planning - uniform design and quality standards
What does tomorrow’s bicycle-friendly infrastructure look like?
Chair Manfred Silvanus
Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur
Session B2 Cycle tourism - benefitting from the trend
What are the major trends and growth potentials in cycle tourism?
Chair Iris Hegemann
Deutscher Tourismusverband e.V.
Session B3 Urban development - redistribution of areas and spaces
How can public spaces be (re)designed in a cycle-friendly and above
all speedy manner?
Chair Prof. Dr. Anke Karmann-Woessner
Stadtplanungsamt Karlsruhe
Session B4 Road safety - recognizing and preventing dangers
How is it possible to make cycling user friendly and, above all, safe?
Chair Rudolf Bergen
Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat e.V.
Side-Event Start-ups - Info
Fireside Chat - Info
18.00 – 18.30 Break
Ab 18.30 Awarding of the 2019 German Cycling Prize - Info
get together incl. buffet
Tuesday, 14. May 2019
8.30 Admission
9.00–10.30 Session C - Info and Side-Events - Info
Session C1 Subjective safety - perception and effect of infrastructure
How does infrastructure influence safety and road user behaviour?
Chair Karola Lambeck
Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur
Session C2 Bike sharing - growth market with potential for conflict
Despite the conflict over the use of land, vandalism and data protection
concerns: how can a successful cooperation between municipalities, operators and civil society be achieved?
Chair Alexander Jung
Agora Verkehrswende
Session C3 Smart cycling - the bicycle in the digital city
What is the potential of new technologies and digital applications for cycling?
Chair Dr. Christian Schlosser
Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur
Session C4 Facts & figures – figures, data and facts on cycling
What’s the status of cycling today and how can measures be assessed?
Chair N.N.
Side-Event International Best Practice
10.30–11.15 Break & visit to the exhibition
11.15–12.45 Concluding plenary session - Info
Ab 13.30

Excursions - Info

Tour 1: City walking tour in the historic city centre, including bus transfer from/to the fair
Tour 2: Bicycle tour in the city centre with subsequent visit to the Transport Museum
Tour 3: Bicycle tour between green city areas and industry, the young Dresden
Tour 4: Bicycle tour on multi-mobility and Dresden’s “green lung”
Tour 5: Elbe cycle and hiking track - between nature conservation, monument and flood protection
Tour 6: River and land bicycle tour, including river crossing to the district of Pieschen by raft
Tour 7: Opening of pedestrian zones in Dresden’s historic city centre and the district of Neustadt



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National Cycling Congress, DRESDEN, 13 and 14 May 2019, unterstützt durch: